St. Helena



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The Approach

Approaching St. Helena at the break of day

Barren Landscape

The bare cliffs of St. Helena

St. Helena Coastline

Towering rocky cliffs

Jamestown Harbor

Historic buildings of the harbor

Jacob's Ladder

View of Jacob's Ladder from Jamestown Harbor

Jamestown Harbor

Local boats in the harbor

Jamestown Harbor

Misty rain coming over the mountains

Welcome sign

A welcome to the HMS St. Helena

HMS St. Helena

Supplies, mail and passengers arrive in St. Helena via this ship

Ferrying supplies ashore

Supplies are transferred from the ship to shore


Downtown Jamestown


A street named after a famous visitor


View of the downtown streets

French Cruisers

Cruisers from two French boats in the anchorage -- Christian, Pierre and Dominique

St. Helena scenery

Views from around the countryside

Road system

Winding, narrow roads through the mountains


Which way do we go?

St. Helena Countryside

Spectacular views

The Briars

Front lawn at the Briars, view from the porch

The Briars

Temporary quarters for Napoleon with our tour guide on the front porch

The Briars

The main living quarters for Napoleon

High Knoll Fort

The old fort's walls are starting to crumble, and was closed to visitors when we were there

Seaside View

Touring the countryside


View of Jamestown from above

Longwood House

The gardens of Longwood House

Longwood House

Napoleon's place of exile

Longwood House

View of the surrounding gardens

Longwood House


Longwood House

View of the exterior

Longwood House

Longwood House

Walkway to main house

Longwood House

Another perspective

St. Helena Countryside

The interior countryside was spectacular

Island Tour

The green hillsides of St. Helena

Coastal view

Scenes along the road

Contrasting landscape

The barren volcanic landscape near the coastline

Rocky coastline

View of the calm sea


The area of the countryside called "Fairyland"

Old Church

One of St. Helena's many churches

The Governor's Mansion

The residence of the island's Governor

Jonathan, the tortoise

The oldest resident of St. Helena, believed to be 170 years old!

Island Tour Guide

Larry, our tour guide on St. Helena

Jacob's Ladder

Elyse climbing the 699 steps to the top

Jamestown Harbor

View of the harbor from the top of Jacob's Ladder


Nestled in a deep volcanic valley

Jamestown Waterfront

The wharf was undergoing repairs during our visit

Ann's Place

A very hospitable gathering place for cruisers

At Ann's Place

Elyse with Ann's granddaughter, Jessica

The Arch

View of the Arch, built in 1832 with view out to the harbor

The Arch

Entering Jamestown from the wharf, via The Arch

Ferry Service

Swinging onto the ferry for a ride back to the Iron Mistress at anchor


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